Transparency. Accountability. Personalized approach. Your private manager.
- $1M invested with Medici in 2009 is now worth $11.5M.
- We’ve earned the trust of over 1000 families and organizations.
- No hidden fees. No expensive middlemen.

Medici helps you increase your net worth by investing in profitable companies that benefit from sustained competitive advantages. Our portfolio managers own the same investments as our clients. Our easily accessible team members work together to help you reach your financial goals.

A history of market beating returns
Is your portfolio well managed?

Frequent questions
Gestion de Portefeuille Stratégique Medici is registered with the AMF as a portfolio manager and investment fund manager. Our main responsibility is to develop quality portfolios tailored to both the financial goals of our clients and to the level of risk each client is comfortable with.
Medici also follows the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct from the CFA Institute, which is the ethical benchmark for investment professionals, and which stipulates that we must place the integrity of the profession and the interests of our clients before those of Medici, its portfolio managers, or its employees.
Medici has partnered with the National Bank Independent Network (NBIN inc.), a wholly-owned subsidiary of National Bank of Canada, which acts as Medici’s trustee and portfolio administrator. As a result, client accounts are opened with NBIN inc. and clients are the only ones who can withdraw money from their own account. Medici’s portfolio managers are only authorized to purchase and sell securities for you, according to the agreed mandate; they do not have control over amounts withdrawn or deposited in your accounts.
NBIN inc. has operated within the financial services sector for over 25 years and is now Canada’s leading provider of custody, trade execution, and brokerage solutions to independent wealth management firms, services for brokers, and independently registered portfolio managers. NBIN serves over 400 firms from coast to coast, all of which benefit from the financial security of the National Bank of Canada (NBC). NBIN is a division of National Bank Financial Inc. (NBF Inc.), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the National Bank of Canada (NBC), which is a publically traded company on the Toronto Stock Exchange (NA: TSX). The National Bank Independent Network trademark is owned by NBC and used under license by NBF Inc., which is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF), and is also a member of and subjected to the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC), a national self-regulatory surveillance organization for all dealer firms and any trading activity on Canadian equity marketplaces.
MEDICI manages the portfolios of its clients in a discretionary way. This means that during our first meeting together, we will work with you on defining an Investment Policy Statement that our team will agree to follow during our entire business relationship. Our investment decisions will then be made according to this Investment Policy Statement.
We are never under the obligation to contact our clients or receive their authorization before completing a transaction. In this way, we are fully accountable for the management of client portfolios. For the same reason that an engineer wouldn’t ask a client if the pillar he plans on using is strong enough to support a building, we believe that we are the best people to make the necessary decisions to manage your portfolio.
This management style means that it is our responsibility to act transparently and honestly with all our clients. As a result, our portfolio managers frequently communicate our strategy and our decisions during in-person meetings, in our quarterly letters, in video presentations, and in our frequent media appearances. Although our clients do not choose the content of their portfolios, we provide them with all the tools they need to evaluate the quality of our work.
Our fees are based on a percentage of assets under management. Our rate varies depending on the size of your portfolio. Please contact us for more information.
Since our role is both that of financial advisor and portfolio manager, and since we offer a true private management service, our fees are much lower than those charged by advisors who sell mutual funds.
We do not charge any trailer fees or commission per transaction, nor does Medici bill any front loaded or back ended fees. There are no hidden fees. The only fees we charge are paid monthly, and these fees are totally transparent since they can be found on your investment statement. Each year, we provide you with an annual report outlining your fees and your returns, which allows you to compare the fees you paid with the added value that we provided through our work.
On average, our clients invest more than $1 million with us. We accept investors who have a minimum of $750,000 to invest, or who are in an asset accumulation phase. We invite you to contact us to know if you are eligible. We will evaluate your financial situation, explain our selection criterias, and make you an offer if you are eligible.